Published: Dec. 14, 2006

Making a classroom geyser from mints and soda will be among the experiments highlighting the University of Colorado at Boulder's Dec. 23 CU Wizards show "Go With the Flow."

CU-Boulder faculty member Janet deGrazia of the chemical and biological engineering department will present the show at 9:30 a.m. in Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry room 140 on the Boulder campus.

During the show, deGrazia will explore the properties of fluids. Guests will take part in experiments and learn why soap floats, how to keep the carbonation in soda and how to make "elephant snot."

The CU Wizards series runs from September to June and features presentations on astronomy, chemistry and physics. Though intended primarily for students in grades five through nine, the Saturday shows are educational and entertaining to people of any age.

For more information about CU Wizards call (303) 492-5011 or for a schedule of upcoming shows visit .