Published: Nov. 12, 2006

A University of Colorado at Boulder committee comprised of faculty, staff and one graduate student will start searching for a new vice chancellor for research and dean of the graduate school.

Psychology professor Jerry Rudy will chair the committee, which was expected to begin its work in late October.

Philip DiStefano, provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, said the panel expects to have finalists on campus by March or April and will make a decision by May.

The vice chancellor for research and dean of the graduate school will report directly to DiStefano, working closely with the provost and faculty in the strategic development of the university's research enterprise. He or she also will serve as the chief administrative officer of the CU-Boulder graduate school, helping to frame its curriculum and guide its student body.

The salary range for the dual position is $228,000 to $260,000.

"The vice chancellor for research and dean of the graduate school plays a crucial dual role at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The position requires someone who can develop and grow the university's research mission and serve as a vital link between the administration, research faculty and graduate students," DiStefano said.

The last permanent vice chancellor for research and graduate school dean was Carol Lynch, who stepped down to return to teaching. Susan Avery, an electrical and computer engineering professor and former director of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, or CIRES, has filled the position in the interim.

Finalists for the position will visit the campus and meet with faculty and staff to answer questions and discuss academic issues affecting CU-Boulder. Those meetings will be announced in advance.

Search committee members include professors Fred Anderson, history; Susan Beatty, geography; Margaret Eisenhart, education; James Green, astrophysical and planetary sciences; W. Carl Lineberger, chemistry and biochemistry and JILA; W. Tad Pfeffer, INSTAAR and civil, environmental and architectural engineering and Joann Silverstein of civil, environmental and architectural engineering. JILA was formerly called the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, now referred to simply as JILA, and INSTAAR is the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research.

Sheryl Jensen, assistant to the vice chancellor for research and dean of the graduate school, and Wendy Krauser, a mechanical engineering graduate student, also will sit on the panel.