Published: Oct. 23, 2006

As part of ongoing efforts to reduce its $25 million-a-year energy bill, the University of Colorado at Boulder is rewarding staff members who implement money-saving strategies in campus buildings.

By following five specific program recommendations, winners of the Buff Energy Star Award for fiscal year 2005-2006 helped reduce energy use in three buildings by 5 percent compared to the prior 12 months, paring campus energy costs by more than $90,000. For their efforts, each will receive a one-time $1,000 bonus.

Campus conservation officer Moe Tabrizi said occupants of the buildings awarded Buff Energy Star status saved more than 660,000 kilowatt hours of electricity and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 891,000 pounds.

"Turning off unnecessary lights and desktop equipment are simple strategies that help us create a conservation-minded campus and help us curb costs over time. Energy conservation is good for the environment - and our bottom line," he said.

Building proctors who led conservation efforts in the three buildings include Donna Maes of the mathematics department; Sherril Potter of environmental health and safety; and Herb Kienle, who manages the Student Recreation Center.

Tabrizi said managers at 21 other buildings on the campus also generated significant energy savings as a result of the program. Buff Energy Star winners are selected based on how well they adhered to program criteria, he added.

To be considered for Buff Energy Star status, building proctors must show a 5 percent energy reduction over the prior year; complete an energy audit; take action based on the audit; post energy and water conservation posters and other educational materials throughout the building; and take an active role in communicating and encouraging resource conservation.

Besides turning off lights and relying on daylight, other energy-saving tactics promoted by building proctors included enabling power-management features on computers and other office equipment and reporting energy waste to the campus conservation hotline.

To learn more about energy conservation on the CU-Boulder campus and to nominate a building for Buff Energy Star status visit . To report campus energy waste call (303) 735-6202 or write to