Published: Sept. 25, 2006

CU-Boulder's 2006 Homecoming festivities kick off Friday, Oct. 6, with a parade through Boulder's University Hill neighborhood at 4:30 p.m., followed by a pep rally at 5:15 p.m. and a free outdoor concert with The Motet at 7 p.m.

The annual event celebrates a return to campus for University of Colorado at Boulder alumni, most of whom will attend CU's gridiron matchup with the Baylor Bears on Oct. 7. Game time is at 1:30 p.m. and tickets are still available.

Anthropology Professor Dennis Van Gerven will serve as Grand Marshall of the parade. Van Gerven is a two-time winner of the Boulder Faculty Assembly Teaching Award, the SOAR teaching award, the Honors Program teaching award, the Excellence in Education Outstanding Professor Award and was the 1998-99 Carnegie Foundation Colorado Teacher of the Year.

"CU in the Future" is the theme for 2006, according to Adam Baronfeld of CU's Program Council and Homecoming committee member. "2006 offers a bright future and a new beginning for CU in many ways," said Baronfeld. "Couple that with our academic strengths in the space sciences and we're very excited about the creative possibilities that aluminum foil can bring to this parade."

Student groups and local businesses are encouraged to sign up to be in the parade. The sign-up deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 3.

Floats will be judged on how well they relate to the theme, the overall design and the excitement level of participants. Prizes will be awarded to CU student organizations in three categories: student groups, Greeks and residence halls. First-place winners will receive $600, second-place winners $400 and third-place winners $200.

Student groups and residence halls will be reimbursed for a portion of the materials purchased to build a float, not including the cost of a trailer, truck rental or other transportation.

Identification of the student group should be highly visible for judging. Music, costumes and chants related to the theme are highly encouraged. At least 50 percent of the design of any float should be dedicated to the Homecoming theme.

Golden-level cash sponsors for the 2006 Homecoming events include the University of Colorado Student Union, Arts and Sciences Student Government, CU's Program Council, the Daily Camera and the University Hill General Improvement District. Other sponsors include 29th Street, CU's Office of Student Affairs, PEH Architects, Pasta Jay's, the Hill Alliance and Wells Fargo.

In-kind sponsors include TEBO Development and CU's Athletics Department, the Chancellor's Office and Housing and Dining Services.

For more information about parade routes, registration, rules, regulations, reimbursements and float-building tips, interested groups should go to the Homecoming Web site at