Published: Sept. 19, 2006

The CU Foundation Board of Trustees elected Glenn E. Porzak as chair and Jean L. Thompson vice chair of the CUF Board of Directors and Trustees at its annual meeting on Sept. 15th.

Both Porzak and Thompson have been trustees since 2002 and will serve two-year terms as officers.

Porzak is the managing partner of Porzak Browning & Bushong in Boulder and Vail, a western water law specialist and a world-class climber who carried the CU flag to the summit of Mt. Everest. He received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Colorado at Boulder and has been recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus by both the university and the CU School of Law.

Porzak is a former member of the Natural Resources Law Center Board and a current member of the board for CU-Boulder's Center of the American West.

Thompson, also a CU-Boulder graduate, has two graduate degrees from Northwestern University and most recently has been a senior consultant in outplacement with Lee Hecht Harrison in Denver and a certified mediator through CDR Associates of Boulder. She is a member of the CU-Boulder Alumni Association Directors Club Board, the Graduate School Advisory Council and a member of the Music Advisory Board and Jazz Task Force for the College of Music.

Newly elected members of the Board of Directors are Robert F. Charles, Jr., Leslie B. Eaton, Carl A. Eklund and Barbara B. Grogan. They join re-elected members Jeremy O. May, George A. Sissel and Porzak, all of whom will serve three-year terms. Sissel, the past chair of the board of directors, was named an Honorary Trustee.