Published: Aug. 23, 2006

The CU-Boulder Center of the American West will celebrate the rich literary heritage of the region Sept. 5 with its 10th annual "Words to Stir the Soul: Readings from the American West" at 7 p.m. in Old Main Chapel.

The popular program features about a dozen well-known community members and CU-Boulder faculty who will read selections from their favorite Western-inspired literature for up to five minutes each. The event on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus is free and open to the public.

This year's readers will include Dr. George Russell, cowboy poet; Ben Sherman, president of the Western American Indian Chamber; Sue Deans, vice president and editor of the Daily Camera; and Todd Gleeson, dean of the CU-Boulder College of Arts and Sciences.

"The Internet may have transformed communication, but people still love being read to," said history Professor Patricia Limerick, faculty chair of the Center of the American West, who will emcee the event in addition to reading a selection. "Hearing the voices of people we value read aloud is as enchanting to adults as it is to children. This is also a fine occasion for remembering that the literary renaissance of the American West has been going on for decades and shows no sign of slowing down."

A reception will follow in the CU Heritage Center. A second Words to Stir the Soul program, scheduled to be held in Denver on Sept. 7, has been canceled.

The mission of the CU-Boulder Center of the American West is to explore the distinctive character and issues of the region and to help Westerners become well-informed, participating citizens in their communities.

The Sept. 5 event is part of the CU-Boulder Center of the American West's 20th anniversary celebration. For more information call (303) 492-4879 or visit .