Published: June 12, 2006


The Standing Committee on Research Misconduct at the University of Colorado at Boulder today sent its recommendations relating to possible disciplinary action and policy or other changes relating to the Investigating Committee's findings of research misconduct by Professor Ward Churchill. These recommendations were delivered by the Standing Committee to Interim Provost Susan Avery and Todd Gleeson, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The report also was delivered today to Churchill and his attorney, David Lane.

Seven allegations of research misconduct and misrepresentation of factual material filed against Churchill last year have been the subject of review by the Standing Committee and an investigative committee, which issued its report on May 16.

The Standing Committee reports that it agrees with the Investigative Committee's findings that Churchill "has committed serious, repeated and deliberate research misconduct."

Regarding sanctions, the Standing Committee did not reach or seek consensus. However, six members voted for dismissal, two voted for suspension without pay for five years and one voted for suspension without pay for two years. There are 11 members on the committee, including the chair, who is a nonvoting member. One other member was absent.

The committee also recommended three key policy changes. One called for ensuring compliance with existing academic standards, another asked for consistency in hiring and promoting practices, and the third called on administrators to support faculty members negatively affected by the investigation.

The recommendations released today by the Standing Committee are posted on the university's Web site at . The report of the investigative committee issued last month is posted on the Web at .

Avery and Gleeson will independently review both the Standing Committee and investigative committee reports before conferring separately with Chancellor Phil DiStefano regarding the recommendations of the Standing Committee.

An exact timeline for the review by Avery and Gleeson, the forwarding of their recommendations to the chancellor, and a final decision by DiStefano has not been determined.