Published: May 24, 2006


Cathleen Burns, associate dean of the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado at Boulder and senior accounting instructor, can talk about how the lessons learned from Enron are also lessons now taught in the classrooms of business schools. Enron, Arthur Andersen and WorldCom are part of the ethics texts and Burns has integrated current developments in the accounting profession in an attempt to prepare students for the moral challenges ahead of them. Burns is the winner of the 2006 Joseph L. Frascona Teaching Excellence Award in the Leeds School. Contact her at (303) 492-4076 or contact Doug Nogami at (303) 492-0786.

Mathew Hayward of CU's Leeds School of Business can discuss how former Enron CEOs Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, on trial for fraud and conspiracy, exhibit classic cases of what can go wrong because of hubris among corporate executives. Hayward's research deals with hubris, ego and overconfidence among executives. An assistant professor of management, Hayward is available at (303) 735-6515 or contact Doug Nogami at (303) 492-0786.