Published: May 8, 2006

Lightning bugs and a clock powered by orange juice will be among the energy conversion examples discussed during the May 20 CU Wizards show "The Chemistry of Energy."

University of Colorado at Boulder chemistry and chemical engineering Professor Steve George will present the show at 9:30 a.m. in room 140 of the Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry Building. The show, aimed primarily at students in grades five through nine, is free and open to the public.

The program will demonstrate how lightning bugs convert chemical energy to light energy, as well as how hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis and through a reaction produce energy. Ethanol will be combusted with oxygen to illustrate the "ethanol car" and a photovoltaic panel will be used to run a model car in a demonstration of solar energy conversion. Orange juice will be used to power a clock and vegetable oil will be reacted to make biodiesel fuel.

CU Wizards is usually held the third Saturday of each month during the academic year and focuses on astronomy, chemistry and physics. Though intended primarily for students in grades five through nine, the shows are educational and entertaining to people of all ages. The 2005-06 Wizards series concludes June 17.

For more information about CU Wizards call (303) 492-5011 or visit .