Published: May 4, 2006

Pennsylvania State University Professor Robert Turrisi will present the latest results of a multi-state, parent-based intervention program involving teen-agers and binge drinking on Tuesday, May 9, at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The event will be at 3 p.m. in the West Solarium of Wardenburg Health Center, located southeast of the University Memorial Center. Seating is limited. Pay parking is available at the Euclid AutoPark, located just east of the UMC.

Turrisi, a professor of bio-behavioral health, will talk about the latest results of the program, which involves parents communicating with children between high school graduation and college about issues surrounding alcohol abuse. Funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the program is intended to reduce heavy drinking and alcohol-related consequences among new college students.

The intervention program includes educational handbooks developed by Turrisi that were distributed to parents of college-bound teen-agers, as well as follow-up studies of participating families. CU-Boulder is one five colleges and universities participating in the study, according to Stephen Bentley, coordinator of substance abuse services at Wardenburg.

For more information contact Bentley at (303) 735-5337.