Published: May 4, 2006

"Just Desserts," a CU-Boulder Friends of the Libraries annual event, is scheduled for Friday, May 19, at 7 p.m. in the British and Irish Studies Room on the 5th floor of Norlin Library.

A wine and dessert reception will begin the event, followed by guest presenter, Baine P. Kerr.

Kerr will speak on "Conflict and Character: Wrongful Death and Harmful Intent," in which he will draw from the subject matter and situational issues in two of his books "Wrongful Death," and "Harmful Intent." Both books can be purchased at the event and the author will be available to sign them.

Kerr is a Boulder attorney and author. "Wrongful Death," his second novel, draws on his experience litigating wrongful death cases in Colorado. "Harmful Intent," a medical thriller, was published in 2000. That year Kerr was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award for Fiction.

Kerr has published a book of short stories, "Jumping-Off Place," and in 1983 was one of 100 authors selected by the National Endowment for the Arts for a fellowship in fiction. He has been anthologized in Best American Short Stories and the University Press of Colorado.

Participants should enter the library on the west side of the building on Norlin Quad. Pay parking will be available in the Euclid Autopark and Lot 380 near Macky Auditorium. The event is co-sponsored by the Daily Camera and is free and open to the public.

For more information call (303) 492-7511.