Published: May 3, 2006

Nine University of Colorado at Boulder students will receive scholarships from the Puksta Scholars Program on the basis of their civic responsibility, high ethical standards and strong academic goals.

Lilia Justman, Admira Makas, Mark Arnoldy, Matthew Bloise, Daniel Epstein, Sean Sheppard, Joseph Ayoub, Stuart Hayden and David Chiu each will receive a $4,500 scholarship in recognition of their commitment to civic engagement. They will join nine scholars already in the program.

Puksta Scholars are required to be actively involved in an intensive, yearlong civic project that will serve the community. The Puksta Scholars Program is funded by the Puksta Educational Foundation of Denver and the CU Parent Fund. It was established by the late Harry and Eva Puksta and the CU Parent Fund.

CU-Boulder is one of three universities that benefit from the fund, in addition to the University of Denver and Colorado State University. For more information visit the Web site at .