Published: May 1, 2006

John Meyer, associate director for programs at the University of Colorado at Boulder's Student Recreation Center, has been awarded the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association's Honor Award.

The award is the association's highest honor and recognizes outstanding professional achievements, as well as service to the association.

"We're extremely grateful to have John as part of our team," said Gary Chadwick, recreation center director. "Certainly John's excellent work and creative approach is a great asset for the students here at CU. He has demonstrated a strong advocacy for students while leading programs such as the collegiate sport clubs, intramurals, sports and fitness instruction programs and outdoor adventure activities."

Meyer was recognized with a medal and trophy at the association's annual conference last month in Louisville, Ky. He joined the association in 1971 as a student and has since served in many leadership positions, including president from 1998 to 2001 and vice president for the Rocky Mountain region from 1986 to 1989. He currently sits on the Colorado Chautauqua Association's board of directors.

"One of the reasons that recreation is important is because it gives people an opportunity to interact within this technological age," said Meyer, who has been employed at CU-Boulder's recreation services department for 13 years.

NIRSA is a nonprofit membership organization that serves as a resource for professional and student developments in collegiate recreational sports.

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