Published: April 26, 2006

University of Colorado at Boulder senior Megan Silbert has been named the state's Student Employee of the Year.

The 22-year-old communications major received a $75 gift certificate to the CU Book Store, a plaque and $50 cash award, and had a luncheon with Vice Chancellor Ron Stump on April 13. Silbert was selected from a pool of nominated students at all of Colorado's state colleges and universities.

Silbert has worked for CU Science Discovery, the university's K-12 science outreach program, her entire college career including full time in the summer.

"Her high level of responsibility, commitment and maturity has not only positively benefited our program but literally hundreds of young students who reside throughout the Boulder, Longmont and surrounding communities," said nominator Sharon Ticehurst, class program coordinator for CU Science Discovery. "Megan stands out in every way as one of the most talented, hardworking, enthusiastic, reliable and dedicated student employees I have ever had the opportunity to supervise."

Silbert began working for Science Discovery as a freshman in September 2002. She has worked on all of Science Discovery's programs and held a variety of responsibilities, including serving as a teaching assistant and instructor for classes of students ages 4 to 14.

"She engages children effortlessly and has learned to work with a group of children with enthusiasm, strength and sensitivity," Ticehurst said.

As materials coordinator, Silbert was responsible for purchasing, organizing and disseminating a large number of supplies needed in classes. She also has been a summer class registrar and trained new student employees.

Silbert served as a Science Discovery representative at the CU Wizards shows, Super Science Saturday at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and other outreach workshops. She organized and presented activities that helped inform people about Science Discovery.

"No other student has ever taken on so many important roles at Science Discovery," Ticehurst said. "Megan has done each job with strong leadership skills and maturity."