Published: Feb. 26, 2006

The Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Minority Affairs and the Chancellor's Committee on Women at the University of Colorado at Boulder have selected recipients of 2005-06 service recognition awards.

The CACMA awards are given to campus units to recognize continuing efforts to create a diverse, supportive, learning, working and living environment for the multicultural campus community.

This year's CACMA award recipients include the Integrated Teaching and Learning program and the INVST Community Studies program.

Two special recognition awards were given to Marino Lerma and L. Michele Romero of University Memorial Center Food Services. "They have always gone above and beyond to make sure the annual diversity summit goes well," said MaryAnn Sergeant of the Office of Diversity and Equity.

The CCW awards recognize individuals or units on campus that show a clear commitment to supporting women and women's issues in several areas, such as providing women with promotion and training opportunities for leadership roles and creating mentoring opportunities.

The CCW award recipients are Janet Garcia, International Education; Sylvia Gardner, Housing and Dining Services; Polly McLean, Women's Studies Program; and JoAnn Silverstein, College of Engineering and Applied Science.

For more information on the committees visit the CACMA Web site at and the CCW Web site at .