Published: Feb. 20, 2006

Researchers and administrators who work on issues of race, ethnicity and class will be given a new voice beginning Feb. 27 as the University of Colorado at Boulder School of Journalism and Mass Communication launches its new "Multiversity" television series.

A different episode of the 30-minute program will be broadcast nightly at 9:30 p.m., except on Saturdays, on Boulder cable Channel 63 and CU-Boulder campus Channel 22. Four episodes have been completed and more will be added. The shows will soon be available as streaming video linked to the journalism school's main Web site, according to series developer Bella Mody.

"The purpose of the TV series is to showcase strengths and contributions in race and ethnicity research and teaching in order to help the community and students know about local resources," said Mody, who is the deCastro Chair in Global Media at the journalism school. "Given the small ethnic minority presence here, the TV series will help us do more with less."

Mody said topics for the shows include the racial and ethnic composition of the city of Boulder, faculty expertise and activities on race and ethnicity, and what CU-Boulder is doing to address racism.

Journalism faculty members Stephen Jones and Paul Daugherty and their students handled production aspects of the series. The theme music was composed by ethnomusicology Professor Brenda Romero and her doctoral students. Journalism doctoral student Christopher Bell edited the show.

The topics and guest experts are selected by an executive committee of Mody, ethnic studies adjunct faculty member Harry Reed and sociology Professor Thomas Mayer. Mody and Reed both participated in a similar community TV production while teaching at Michigan State University.

Funding for the 2005-06 series was provided by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity. Organizers are seeking donations for funding of the 2006-07 season.

When the show is available on the Internet, information and links to the streaming video will be posted at .

For more information on the "Multiversity" television series e-mail Mody at, Mayer at or Reed at