Published: Jan. 25, 2006

The University of Colorado at Boulder's Program for Teaching East Asia is sponsoring a three-week study-tour to Japan for Colorado elementary teachers this summer.

Teachers who are interested in applying for the tour must send their applications in by Feb. 6. Participants will travel to Japan from June 15 to July 7.

The focus of the tour, called "Texts and Contexts: Japan Through Children's Literature," is to help Colorado educators incorporate Japanese culture into their classroom instruction and curriculum. The program includes the trip to Japan as well as orientation and follow-up workshops, which will focus on standardized curriculum for literacy and math classes. The program covers most expenses.

The Program for Teaching East Asia works locally and nationally to enhance and expand teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools. The program is associated with CU-Boulder's Center for Asian Studies and receives funding from the Freeman Foundation.

For more information about the program or to get an application visit the Web site at
or contact Catherine Ishida at (303) 735-5128 or