Published: Jan. 17, 2006

Daniel Sher, dean of the University of Colorado at Boulder College of Music, has been named president of the National Association of Schools of Music.

Sher had been the association's vice president, but assumed leadership of the association Jan. 1 after outgoing president Karen Wolff resigned for family health reasons. Sher will serve as president through the association's annual meeting in November, at which time he can be elected for a full term.

The association is an organization of schools, conservatories, colleges and universities, with approximately 610 accredited institutional members. Founded in 1924, it establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate music degrees and other credentials.

Sher has been dean of the CU-Boulder College of Music since 1993. He received his bachelor's degree from the Oberlin Conservatory, a master's degree from the Juilliard School where he studied with Martin Canin and Rosina Lhevinne, and a doctorate in piano pedagogy from the Teachers College of Columbia University.

Sher was previously on the piano faculty at the School of Music at Louisiana State University, where he served as dean from 1984 to 1993. He is a past president of Pi Kappa Lambda, the national honor society for music, and currently serves on that group's Board of Regents.

Sher appointed Jo Ann Domb of the University of Indianapolis to serve as vice president of the National Association of Schools of Music until the close of the 2006 annual meeting.

For more information on the National Association of Schools of Music, visit