Published: Dec. 29, 2005


The University of Colorado at Boulder has released a report outlining the university's progress toward meeting diversity goals that will be presented to the Blue Ribbon Commission on Diversity in January.

CU President Hank Brown created the commission to study the effectiveness of campus diversity programs at all CU campuses. The committee will include community and corporate leaders and will hold its first meeting on Jan. 21. A selected group of students, faculty and staff also will participate.

The report is posted on the Internet at . It includes information on campus diversity goals, support programs and statistics on admission, retention and graduation.

The CU-Boulder report was prepared by the Office of the Provost, the Office of Diversity and Equity, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis.

The Jan. 21 meeting is open to the public and will be held from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Glenn Miller Ballroom of CU-Boulder's University Memorial Center.

For more information contact Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, vice provost and associate vice chancellor for diversity and equity, at (303) 735-1332 or Peter Caughey in the CU-Boulder Office of News Services at (303) 492-4007.