Published: Dec. 28, 2005

Two December graduates of the University of Colorado School of Journalism and Mass Communication are winners in one of the nation's most prestigious journalism competitions.

Jacob Pritchard placed third in the Hearst Journalism Awards Program photojournalism competition. He will advance to the next round of competition in May. Matt Nager placed eighth. The journalism school placed first overall with the highest accumulated points among all schools entered in this round of competition, open to more than 100 colleges and universities with undergraduate journalism programs accredited by the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Pritchard, of Denver, was awarded $1,000 and Nager, of Boulder, won $500. Both placed in the top 10 in the picture-story/series competition last year, giving CU fifth place nationally in overall competition.

Pritchard and Nager are students of Kevin Moloney, a 1987 graduate of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, who teaches photojournalism at CU.