Published: Nov. 10, 2005

Robert A. Williams, professor of law and American Indian studies at the University of Arizona, and Bruce E. Johansen, professor of communication and Native American studies at the University of Nebraska/Omaha, have resigned from the investigative committee recently named to investigate research misconduct allegations against CU-Boulder Professor Ward Churchill.

We appreciate their initial agreement to serve on the committee reviewing this very difficult issue and we regret that they felt it necessary to resign. We also deeply appreciate the willingness of the remaining members to serve the university in this important capacity.

As part of an established process, the investigative panel was named by the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct, which is charged with overseeing the investigation. We have confidence in the university's procedures for investigating allegations of research misconduct and in the ability of the Standing Committee to form a fair and impartial investigative panel.

Under our policies and procedures, the Standing Committee will determine the next steps in finalizing membership of the investigative committee.

Because the Standing Committee operates under rules of confidentiality, we are limited in our ability to discuss details of the investigative committee's work.