Published: April 12, 2005

The CU-Boulder Alumni Association will honor 13 outstanding members of the campus community during the 75th Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 4.

The award recipients will be recognized for their distinguished careers and exceptional contributions to CU and society at 7 p.m. in Old Main Chapel on the Boulder campus. The public is welcome to attend this free event.

The George Norlin Award recognizes outstanding alumni for their careers and service to society. Recipients of the 2005 Norlin Award are Neil Ashby, a highly honored professor of physics at CU since 1963; Melvin Clark of Boulder, a retired chemical industry executive who has been a dedicated supporter of CU and its engineering college for 70 years; and Michael Leeds of New York City, a successful business executive who has been a significant financial and educational contributor to CU's Leeds School of Business.

Three CU faculty and staff members will receive the Robert Stearns Award in recognition of their extraordinary contributions to the university: Cathy Comstock, an award-winning instructor and associate director of the Farrand Residential Academic Program with its focus on service learning; Dale Mood, a 35-year veteran of the faculty and administration who helped build the department of integrative physiology; and Gary Rottman, associate director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics who involves students in building and operating NASA instruments and satellites.

The Alumni Recognition Award will be presented jointly to Boulderites Jane Butcher and Julianne Steinhauer for, among their many other contributions to the university, serving as co-chairs of CU's famed Conference on World Affairs for the past 15 years.

In honor of their support of higher education, alumnus and state Rep. Paul Weissmann of Louisville will receive the CU Legislative Recognition Award and U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard will receive the CU Congressional Recognition Award.

Alumni Susu and Greg Markham of Kailua, Hawaii, will be presented the Leanne Skupa-Lee Award as the top student recruiters for the National Alumni Admissions Assistance Program. Denver attorney Dave Karpel will receive the Board of Directors Award for his service as chair of the Alumni Association board.

The awards ceremony is sponsored by the First National Bank of Colorado. A reception with dessert will follow in the CU Heritage Center on the third floor of Old Main.

To attend the May 4 event, please make reservations by calling (303) 807-7663.