Published: March 13, 2005

Chancellor Phil DiStefano plans to release the findings of his review related to CU-Boulder Professor Ward Churchill on Monday, March 28. DiStefano said that timeline will allow him and his team to complete the work in accordance with normal university procedures.

DiStefano has been assisted in the review by Arts and Sciences Dean Todd Gleeson and Law Dean David Getches.

The purpose of the review is to determine whether Professor Churchill may have overstepped his bounds as a faculty member, showing possible cause for dismissal.

At the conclusion of the review, the chancellor will determine whether to issue a notice of intent to dismiss for cause, take other action as appropriate, or take no action.

If a notice of intent to dismiss for cause or some other action is issued, the next steps will be governed by the Laws of the Regents that provide for due process through multiple levels of review. The CU Board of Regents is the final decision-maker on dismissal of tenured professors for cause.

For more information, contact Pauline Hale at (303) 735-6183.