Published: May 19, 2004

Eight students with a passion for public service have been selected for the Puksta Scholars Program, a civic education and leadership program at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Matthew de Caussin, Travis Macy, Raven Semien, Kathleen Krohne, Jennifer Young, Diana Silva, Amy Hutmacher and Erin Fischer were chosen for their commitment to civic engagement, socially responsible citizenship, leadership and encouragement of positive social change. They join nine others receiving $4,500 scholarships in the Puksta program for a total of 17 scholars in the program.

Puksta scholars are expected to undertake a significant civic project that addresses defined community needs and demonstrates leadership and initiative. Active participation in public service and contribution to the public good is required.

Recent projects include:

* Improving health care for Latino immigrants and addressing the quality and availability of statewide language translation services

* Conflict resolution and building bridges between interfaith groups

* Research and development of the proposed CU Institute for Ethical and Civic Engagement

The Puksta Scholars Program, begun two years ago, is funded by the Puksta Educational Foundation of Denver, established by the late Harry and Eva Puksta and the University of Colorado Parent Fund.

CU-Boulder is one of two Colorado universities to benefit from the scholarship fund, in addition to the University of Denver.

For more information, visit the Web site at .