Published: May 2, 2004


Media and Family Political Discussions. Mike McDevitt, assistant professor of journalism and mass communication, can discuss the relationship between news media/Internet use and family discussions about the presidential campaign, how schools can promote adolescent interest in electoral politics through civics instruction, how children and adolescents get parents interested in electoral politics through "trickle-up influence" in family discussions, particularly in low-income families and in Hispanic families, and young people's interest in electoral politics in general. He can be reached at (303) 735-0460.

Presidential Politics and the Media. Elizabeth Skewes, assistant professor of journalism and mass communication, can discuss the factors that influence news coverage of presidential candidates on the campaign trail, issues regarding candidate legitimacy and the press, trends in news coverage of political conventions and primaries in newspapers and popular magazines and content analysis of the 2004 campaign. She can be reached at (303) 735-1096 (office) or (720) 494-0709 (home).