Published: May 21, 2003

Facilities operators at the University of Colorado at Boulder will conduct tests on steam boilers at the Williams Village housing complex June 9-13.

The system is being tested to ensure provision of steam for the new student housing apartment complex, according to Derrick Watson, project coordinator. The building is scheduled to open for occupancy in August.

The procedure is expected to produce a large steam cloud and noise that will be noticeable to the surrounding community. The steam vapor contains distilled water, which poses no environmental hazard.

"The boilers will be operated at full capacity and steam will exit a chute at the side of the building," Watson said. "Mufflers are installed on the stacks to help mitigate the noise."

The testing will take place intermittently between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. City of Boulder fire and police services have been notified and a notice is being mailed to residents in the surrounding community to advise them of the project.

For more information on the testing contact Harry Dix, Facilities Management project manager, at (303) 492-5511. For more information on the student housing expansion, contact Watson at (303) 735-0802.