Published: Oct. 3, 2001

The Feminist Student Network at CU-Boulder will host its annual "Take Back the Night" rally and march against sexual assault from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Oct. 10 on the CU-Boulder campus.

The rally will begin at 6 p.m. at the University Memorial Center fountain. Speakers at the rally will lend a strong voice to the fight against sexual violence, according to event organizer Rebecca Trinite.

The march will take place immediately after the rally, and will follow a path through campus and the University Hill area. After the march, a candlelight vigil will be held in room 211 of the Hellems Arts and Sciences Building, adjacent to the UMC.

"The march and vigil are for people who feel that their gender makes them a target for sexual violence," said Trinite. "This includes both women and transgendered individuals.

"We want the vigil to be a forum where women and female-identified individuals can speak out and share their personal experiences," she said. Trinite also notes that there will be a separate and concurrent vigil where men and male-identified individuals can share their own experiences and viewpoints in Hellems room 245.

The keynote speaker for the activities will be Inga Muscio, music editor of WIG or Women in General magazine and author of a book which explores feminine conventions and seeks to find a binding force to unite all women. Muscio will speak at 6 p.m. on Oct. 11 in the Old Main Chapel.

For more information contact the Women's Resource Center at (303) 492-5713.