Published: Aug. 19, 2001

Cindy Donahue, interim director of Disability Services at CU-Boulder, and Dale Trevino, interim director of the Cultural Unity Center, have been appointed to the position of director of their respective units, according to Elease Robbins, associate vice chancellor for student affairs and dean of students.

Both directors are looking forward to meeting new and continuing CU-Boulder students at their welcome events on Friday, Aug. 24, and Monday, Aug. 27.

Disability Services will hold a welcome and information session on Aug. 24 from noon until 1:30 p.m. in Recreation Center conference room three. Parents and students are invited to attend and learn more about the services that Disability Services provides.

"Many students don't connect with our office until they are in trouble," Donahue said. "It's a good idea to get required documentation in order early on and we can help students with that process."

Box lunches will be provided at the session to those who call in advance. To R.S.V.P. call Disability Services at (303) 492-8671.

The Cultural Unity Center is offering several welcome activities for students in August and September, starting with the Communities of Color Fall Gathering on Aug. 27 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Observatory Field.

"The center has a long history of organizing cultural programs, welcomes, workshops and activities to bring students of color together," Trevino said. "We believe that providing these open and friendly opportunities to know other students and staff of color will greatly enhance students' experiences academically, socially, emotionally and culturally."

For more information on upcoming Cultural Unity Center activities, call (303) 492-5667 or visit the Web site at .

The Donahue and Trevino appointments were approved by Chancellor Richard Byyny and were effective July 1.

"We are very pleased to have Cindy and Dale as permanent directors of Disability Services and the Cultural Unity Center," Robbins said. "Each of them brings strong attributes that will help us achieve our mission to continually enhance the student life environment on campus and the division of Student Affairs."

Donahue has held the position of interim director of Disability Services since September. She previously served as a CU-Boulder disability services specialist for seven years and as coordinator of a community college disability service office in California. Donahue works with students whose learning styles and needs challenge traditional methods of teaching and learning, and deals with legal issues connected with students with disabilities.

Donahue is a CU alumna, with a 1979 bachelor's degree in business and a 1980 master's degree in education specializing in the learning disabled and emotionally disabled. Her other educational accomplishments include a vocational education certificate through Colorado State University and completion of a principal licensure program through CU-Denver. She also has been an educator in several Colorado school districts in addition to the community college and university systems.

Trevino has been interim director of the Cultural Unity Center for the past year and has been a member of the campus community since 1982, when he enrolled as a student in the Equal Opportunity Program. He earned his bachelor's degree in sociology in 1986 and joined the staff of the admissions office as alumni coordinator, serving there for five years.

He holds a master's degree in counseling from Colorado State University and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at CU-Denver, where he is completing studies in higher education administration with an emphasis on educational policy and administration.

Trevino joined the Cultural Unity Center in 1992, where he has served as counselor, assistant director and associate director.