Published: March 6, 2001

As of March 7, 40 teams have signed up for the return of CU's Trivia Bowl, the largest number of early entries in the 25-year history of the bowl.

"In previous years we would get perhaps 15 early applications," said JC Ancell, associate director of the University Memorial Center and senior advisor to the University of Colorado Student Union's Program Council.

"Typically, in the last part of the last week before the bowl we would be deluged with teams clamoring to participate," said Ancell. "It seems that this year we will have no problem reaching our quota. We are very excited about the return of CU's Trivia Bowl, and apparently so are others."

With a total of 48 teams permitted, and applications continuing to roll in, the team quota may be reached soon, he said. Once 48 teams have signed up for the event, eight teams will be accepted as alternates in the order that their applications are received, bringing the number of teams "on board" to 56.

Applications are still being accepted in the Student Organizations Finance Office until March 14. Only four out of the 40 teams signed up so far are non-student teams. In 1992, the last year of the 25-year run for the CU Trivia Bowl, only six student teams applied to play. This year the Trivia Bowl will truly be a student-centered event, Ancell said, with students sponsoring, presenting and participating in the bowl.