Published: Oct. 18, 2000

The University Memorial Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder will be the site of the 2000 Fall Boulder Campus Blood Drive.

Open to the public, the blood drive will be held in the UMC West Ballroom from Oct. 30 through Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CU-Boulder staff, faculty and students interested in donating blood can sign up for appointments at a table outside the UMC Forum Room Oct. 23-27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by calling (303) 492-5473 through Oct. 27 at noon.

People also can donate blood without an appointment.

All donors are required to be in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and not be in a risk-behavior group. Donors should eat within four hours of making a donation and drink plenty of fluids before and after the process, which takes about 60 minutes.

The blood will be distributed by the Belle Bonfils Blood Center in Denver, which supplies blood to about 80 hospitals and health care facilities throughout Colorado. Each donorÂ’s blood can help between one and three patients who need blood.

The drive is sponsored by the CU-Boulder Staff Council, Alpha Phi Omega, the Arnold Air Society, the Panhellenic, Alpha Epsilon Delta, PresidentÂ’s Leadership Class, Intrafraternity Council and the Belle Bonfils Community Blood Center.

For information contact the CU-Boulder Staff Council at (303) 492-5473.