Published: Sept. 17, 2000

With a gift of appreciated stock, Ruth and Ken Wright of Boulder have endowed a directorship with the Colorado Shakespeare Festival at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The fund will perpetually generate support to attract distinguished directors who will bring their artistic talents to Boulder each summer.

"The Wrights have not only supported the festival through multiple subscription purchases but have helped to stabilize our future with a major gift," said Richard Devin, producing artistic director of the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. "Ruth and Ken Wright exemplify the best of CSFÂ’s longtime patrons."

The Wrights are well-known to longtime Boulderites. For 14 years, Ruth Wright represented Boulder in the Colorado Legislature where she served as House minority leader for six years. Ken Wright was a member of the Boulder City Council from 1972 to 1975.

In the late 1950s, when the Wrights moved from Wisconsin to Boulder, they attended their first production at CU. "We were totally enthralled," said Ruth Wright.

Every season since 1958, the couple has purchased four tickets for each summerÂ’s Colorado Shakespeare Festival. "ItÂ’s a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and business colleagues for an eveningÂ’s entertainment," said Ken Wright, president of Wright Water Engineers Inc. of Denver.

Since the festivalÂ’s inception, more than 1.4 million tickets have been sold to patrons of all ages. "Some Shakespeare is just plain fun," said Ruth Wright, "and kids love it."

Last summer, four plays were presented with venues expanded from the Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre under the stars to the University Theatre on campus and the Ford Amphitheater in Vail. "Twelfth Night" was set in early 20th century Hollywood.

"One of the fascinating things is all the different interpretations," said Ruth Wright, who majored in English at Marquette University before earning her law degree at CU-Boulder. "Some of the best productions arenÂ’t in Elizabethan period dress."

"The festival is an enriching part of Boulder life," said Ken Wright. "It adds immeasurably to the enjoyment of the average citizen. Just knowing itÂ’s there is worth a lot."

The WrightsÂ’ gift will endow the Ken and Ruth Wright Fund to Support a Colorado Shakespeare Festival Distinguished Directorship.

CU-BoulderÂ’s "Campaign for Colorado" fundraising initiative is now in its fourth year. Alumni, friends, parents, corporations and foundations have donated $169 million toward the campaign's goal of $297 million.