Published: May 12, 1998

Sven Steinmo, director of the University of Colorado Conference on World Affairs, today announced his resignation as conference director, effective June 30.

A professor of political science at CU-Boulder, Steinmo has led the conference since 1995.

Steinmo cited his wish to spend more time in teaching and scholarship, as well as his desire to spend more time with his family, as the major factors influencing his decision to step down.

"Three years is enough," Steinmo said. "I've come to realize that I had a difficult choice to make: either I would commit even more of my life to the Conference on World Affairs and stay with the conference for several more years, or I would get back to my next book and continue my career as a scholar. I can no longer fool myself into thinking that I can do both successfully."

Under Steinmo's leadership, the conference literally returned from the grave. Canceled in 1995 due to declining student and faculty interest, the conference just celebrated its 50th anniversary "with attendance back up and participants more enthusiastic than ever," Steinmo said.

"The feedback we have received on the renewed conference has been wonderful," Steinmo reported. "Audiences are larger, participants are excited, and more students are involved than ever."

CU-Boulder Chancellor Richard Byyny accepted Steinmo's resignation "reluctantly, but with a profound sense of gratitude."

"I know Sven is eager to get back to work on his book, but everyone should know that his leadership and vision have returned the conference to strong footing. The University community owes him a great debt," Byyny said.

Steinmo came to the CU political science department in 1987 from the University of California at Berkeley. An expert in political economy, the title of his forthcoming book is "In the Land of Milk and Honey," a treatise on "why Americans love their country and hate their government," Steinmo said.