Published: March 26, 1998

Lars Eighner, author of the widely acclaimed memoir on homelessness, “Travels With Lizbeth,” will speak at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Thursday, April 2.

EighnerÂ’s address, "A Global Concept of Right and Duty," will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Old Main Chapel.

The talk, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Sewall Symposium Series. Eighner plans to focus on how population pressure affects human rights and responsibilities.

“Travels With Lizbeth” (Ballantine, 1994) details three years that Eighner spent living on the streets from Austin, Texas, to Hollywood, with his dog, Lizbeth.

In writing that has been compared to George Orwell’s “Down and Out in Paris and London,” and Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road,” Eighner describes with wry humor what it’s like to live out of dumpsters, sleep out in the cold and not get enough to eat.

The book, which includes some essays also published in Threepenny Review, was a New York Times Book Review “Editor’s Choice.”

The Sewall Symposium Series is part of the "Conversations on America" course taught at Sewall Hall and is organized around the theme of "Rights and Responsibilities." Other topics in this yearÂ’s series were affirmative action, the environment and the crisis in education.

The Sewall Symposium Series is sponsored by the Sewall Academic Program, the President's Fund for the Humanities, the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences.

For more information call the Sewall Academic Program at 492-6004.