Kristee Mikulski Headshot
  • Prior institution: Red Rocks Community College (Lakewood, CO)
  • ²Ñ²¹Âá´Ç°ù/²Ñ¾±²Ô´Ç°ù/°ä±ð°ù³Ù¾±´Ú¾±³¦²¹³Ù±ð:ÌýMajor: Strategic Communications (Advertising Strategy), Minor: Media Production
  • Home state/country: Longmont, CO (Previously lived in Tucson, AZ)
  • Favorite places on campus: I love finding cozy little study spots in UMC, CASE, Norlin Library, or any of the cafes on campus (especially Pekoe and Violet Peak)!
  • What do you love about CU?  I love how so many of the students and teachers here really push you to become the best possible version of yourself. I also love how gorgeous our campus is and will frequently spend time just walking around and taking it all in!
  • Advice for incoming transfer students? Take advantage of all the fun events (concerts, football games, etc.), interesting classes, and other experiences you can while you're here. Your time here at CU Boulder will fly by quicker than you'd imagine and you'll be graduating before you know it!