Elsalene Akkerman Headshot
Vice President
  • Prior institution: Indiana University, Bloomington
  • Major: Sociology            
  • Minor: Dance
  • Home State: Delray Beach, Florida
  • Favorite place on campus: Varsity Lake next to McKenna Languages or one of the amazing theatres to see one of the wonderful performances the school puts on!
  • What I love about CU: I love how open and friendly everyone is, every class and place you go, people are eager to chat!  I also love the variety of student organizations, everything from athletics, to honor societies, to gardening. 
  • Advice for incoming transfer students:  Do not be afraid to be yourself, CU is not the place for needing to fit in with trends to be accepted.  Everyone will welcome you with open arms!  Also, check out the Be Involved Fair and posters around campus, the organizations are amazing, and you’ll definitely find your fit!