Jennifer Tostlebe
- Jennifer Tostlebe published an article (w/ David Pyrooz), “Procedural justice, legal orientations, and gang membership: Testing an alternative explanation to understand the gang-misconduct link,” in Criminology, the flagship journal of the
- Jenn Tostlebe's book review of Benjamin Steiner and John Wooldredge's Understanding and reducing prison violence: An integrated social control-opportunity perspective has been published in Rutgers' Criminal Law and Criminal
- Jenn Tostlebe and David Pyrooz (along with Ryan Labrecque and Bert Useem) have a new article out in Health & Justice, titled: "Reforming solitary confinement: The development, implementation, and processes of a
- The Racial/Ethnic Inequalities Research Awards support graduate students of color as well as graduate student research on race/ethnicity. For summer 2021, we are able to fund seven exciting research projects. The award winners and their
- David Pyrooz, Kendra Clark, and Jennifer Tostlebe published a paper in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, titled “Gang affiliation and prisoner reentry: Discrete-time variation in recidivism by current, former, and non-gang