- Come celebrate Halloween with a screening of Nia DaCosta & Jordan Peele’s 2019 film Candyman, hosted by Dr. Laura Patterson and the Sociology Department! We’ll have candy, raffle prizes, free food, and a short introduction to the film,
- Publication: “Migration Myopias and Insights from the Global South” with Katie Jensen in “Symposium on Latin America” in Perspectives: Newsletter of the ASA Theory Section, Volume 43 (2): Summer 2022 Presentations:
- Tune in for information on requirements for the major and minor,
- The Center for Asian Studies, with Rachel Rinaldo as faculty director, was awarded $2.2 million by the US Department of Education to expand Asian Studies at CU Boulder
- Lori Peek’s research was featured in a Coloradan article entitled, How Natural Disasters Impact Vulnerable Populations
- Jennifer Tostlebe published an article (w/ David Pyrooz), “Procedural justice, legal orientations, and gang membership: Testing an alternative explanation to understand the gang-misconduct link,” in Criminology, the flagship journal of the
- The first edition of Regarding Animals provided insight into the history and practice of how human beings construct animals, and how we construct ourselves and others in relation to them. Considerable progress in how society regards
- Dead Reckoning: Air Traffic Control, System Effects, and Risk April 14th 12:30pm MT on zoom
- Dr. Andrea Petitt Centre for Gender Research Uppsala University Thursday, April 28th 2022 12:30pm MST 1:30-2:30pm talk with Graduate students Zoom link Title: The Multispecies Triad of the American West and beyond: towards a
- “The Veterinarian Brings His Healing Presence to Pets of the Unhoused”