More Troubleshooting Tips coming soon!!!

20" Telescopes & Open Deck

Where's the telescope manual?
The observing deck roof stops opening (or closing) partway through.

During cold weather, the observing deck roof may stop or struggle (motors straining but roof not moving) partway open (or closed). Stop the movement of the roof (stop button on wall panel) and reverse the direction of the roof by 6-12 inches. Then stop the movement again and proceed back in the original direction.

I can’t see anything through the eyepiece or no light is reaching the CCD camera.

The fold mirror next to the eyepiece may have been left in the wrong position. Turn the knob fully into the position you are attempting to use.

The mount won’t move in cold weather.

“Exercise” the mount before attempting slew commands by moving telescope manually using the mount paddle, for ~20 degrees in one continuous motion in both RA and Dec axes.

The focus buttons don’t seem to do anything.

The focus mechanism is likely in “slow” mode. Click the joystick once to switch to “fast” mode. The LED on the focus paddle will blink twice.

The mount starts beeping and won’t move.

Power cycle the mount (do not reboot the computer). Flip the little toggle switch off at the base of the telescope (see images here & here) wait for five seconds, and flip back on. Move telescope manually using the mount paddle, for ~20 degrees in one continuous motion in both RA and Dec axes. If it no longer binds, try a slew using the computer.

How can I find out what filters are installed?

24" Telescope & Dome

Where's the telescope manual?
How can I find out what filters are installed?

Scorpius Computer System

I've forgotten my Scorpius password

Please contact the Scorpius Administrator for a password reset.

I messed up my Scorpius desk settings and can’t undo it.

Please contact the Scorpius Administrator.

General Observatory

My BuffOne card doesn't work on one of the electronic swipe readers.

First, make sure you are swiping with the mag stripe to the RIGHT. Second,check with the SBO Managerto verify that you have been given access to that specific door.If neither of those fix the issue, your card may be defective. Visit the BuffOne card office to order a new card.

Can I store things in the SBO Refrigerator?

Yes, but please label with your name and date.