Published: Nov. 14, 2014

CU Psychology and Neuroscience professor Sona Dimidjian (Clinical) received some popular press for her recent publication regarding the effectiveness of mindfulness techniques in preventing a relapse of post-partum depression in women with histories of depression. Read the CU , read the published in the Archives of Women's Mental Health.

 CU Psychology and Neuroscience graduate student Choong-Wan "Wani" Woo (Cognitive, mentored by Tor Wager) was in the popular media for a research article suggesting that the neurological signature of emotional vs. physical pain is more dissimilar than previously thought. The original study was published in Nature Communications, and co-authored by several members in the Wager lab. Read the , or read the .

 CU Psychology and Neuroscience postdoctoral student Keith Welker was in the popular press for a research article showing that World Cup soccer players with with higher facial-width-to-height (FWHR) ratios predicted performance on the field as measured by goal-scoring, assists, and committing fouls. Previous research has shown that high FWHR is associated both with greater antisocial and unethical behavior, but is also associated with positive measures of success. Read the CU . Or read the published in Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.