Published: Aug. 1, 2014

CU Psychology and Neuroscience graduate student James Foster (Cognitive, mentored by Matt Jones) received a Best Should Teach Silver Award from CU’s Graduate Teacher Program, given to “graduate students who demonstrate outstanding teaching, educational leadership, and service.” Read more about the .

CU Psychology and Neuroscience postdoctoral student Jessica Andrews-Hanna and co-PI Professor Joanna Arch (Clinical), and Professor Leaf Van Boven (Social) were awarded Templeton Science of Prospection Awards to explore the science of prospection, that is, the mental representation of possible futures. To read more about the awards, the science of prospection, and the projects of these and the other recipients, see the .

CU Psychology and Neuroscience professor Josh Correll (Social) was interviewed by Wisconsin Public Radio regarding the shooting in Ferguson, MO. Check out the , which has a link to the audio of the round–table discussion of the issues surrounding the shooting.

CU Psychology and Neuroscience Yuko Munakata (Cognitive) was interviewed by Colorado Public Radio about some research that garnered national attention earlier this summer (see the June entry below). Read the story or listen to the interview on the .

CU Psychology and Neuroscience College Professor of Distinction Alice Healy was honored with a page on the Foundation for the Advancement of the Behavioral and Brain Sciences () website. FABBS is an educational, non-profit organization established to promote and enhance understanding of the behavioral, psychological, and brain sciences. Read about her to the field.

Former CU-Boulder Clinical Psychology graduate student Yael Chatav (mentored by Mark Whisman) wrote a piece for the New York Times opinion pages about balancing work and family. Check out the .