Winterwald EP - Zach Kalyvas

Five songs, 12:39 total

Winterwald is a 5 song electronic music EP focusing on the theme of escapism. It encapsulates the heart of electronic music and includes multiple media and technologies to create a journey out of reality for the audience.


[soundcloud width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""][/soundcloud]

This EP contains five songs. The first, Udaso, is the most danceable track of the bunch, with high-energy synths and vocal chop and manipulation rather than traditional vocals. Space Alpaca is the second and most experimental track on the EP. It brings various sounds, instruments, and percussion to drive the beat home. Track 3, Lose Yuh, is an emotional journey-orientated song, starting with a minor, ominous tone and then transitioning through many other feelings to a happy, pleasant place. All U Need is another high-energy, danceable electronic song where the vocal manipulation and instrumentation have a direct call-and-response role with each other. UR LOVE was the longest studio session of vocal recording of all the tracks and focused on the artist's voice. The writing of the lyrics and melody in this piece was prioritized as heavily as the music itself.