Still iD - John de Rochambeau

Fine Art Photography

Photo series that illustrates individuals and a message they’d like to share aimed at approaching more complex topics. Curating the message and sharing something valuable that they’ve found within their life.

Still iD

Still iD is a series of photographs aimed at sharing personal stories through the visual portion of the project, while encouraging a personal connection to the subject though text and audio assets. Each subject is a friend and after speaking to them and getting to know more about them, I saw potential for a unique story’s voice to shine through.

As life continues, we learn more about ourselves through experiences that we have, this is what I want to highlight within the project. Each image was created through collaboration, sharing ideas, visions, and concepts that support each other's interests in creating something unique. Still iD also serves as a test for something greater, the ability to create, direct, and translate the conversations that we have to an image. An exercise of creative vision, planning and orchestration while maintaining a strong vision throughout conceptualization to production.

Artist Talk