PRETTY BOY - Esai Vargas


Pretty Boy Ep is a short 3 song indie/indie pop Ep. The project revolves around themes and stories relating to love and relationships.


My EP titled "Pretty Boy" is a short 3-song indie/indie pop EP that Is written, recorded, mixed, and mastered by me and my good friend Jason Shegoleff. This EP is about love and has themes relating to love and being in relationships. The 3 songs on here specifically revolve around the ideas of when you fall in love, are in love, and when that love goes bad. I wanted to create this project so that other people could listen to it and enjoy my work. I'm hoping that whoever listens to this can relate to these songs or experiences and apply it to their life in some way. As well I hope to grow more from this project and continue to release more music as my life goes on and create more media that people can enjoy.

[soundcloud width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""][/soundcloud]

Pretty Boy is an indie/indie pop EP that I would love for people to play anywhere and anytime. It centers around the ideas of a relationship and love and tells it to people who can relate or who have had similar experiences. This EP is for you and me

Artist talk

