The Changing Role of Ministers in the Legislative Agenda in Brazil

Oct. 16, 2018

*Wojcik, Stefan. 2015 “The Changing Role of Ministers in the Legislative Agenda in Brazil”. (with Lucio Rennó). RIEL - Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos Legislativos. Number 4, May 2015. Rio De Janeiro, FGV. Read More

Why Legislative Networks? Analyzing Legislative Network Formation

*Wojcik, Stefan. 2016 “Why Legislative Networks? Analyzing Legislative Network Formation“. Conditionally accepted at Political Science Research and Methods. Read More


Political Networks and Computational Social Science

*Wojcik, Stefan. 2016 “Political Networks and Computational Social Science“ (with David Lazer). Forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Political Networks. Read More


Men Idle, Women Network: How Networks Help Female Legislators Succeed.

*Wojcik, Stefan and *Shawnna Mullenax. 2017. “Men Idle, Women Network: How Networks Help Female Legislators Succeed.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. View the publication here.


Improving Election Prediction Internationally

*Wojcik, Stefan. 2017 “Improving Election Prediction Internationally" (with Ryan Kennedy and David Lazer). Accepted at Science. View the publication here.


“Does Democratization Lower Consumer Prices? Regime Type, Prices, and the Consumer—Producer Tradeoff.”

Andy Baker and *Stefan J. Wojcik (Forthcoming). “Does Democratization Lower Consumer Prices? Regime Type, Prices, and the Consumer—Producer Tradeoff.” International Political Science Review. Click here to view the publication.