Reform Proposals for the Ethics Guidelines of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund

Oct. 16, 2018

*Eldredge, Cody. “Reform Proposals for the Ethics Guidelines of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund.” 2014. European Company Law 11.2 (with Anita M. Halvorssen) Read More

Investing in Sustainability: Ethics Guidelines and the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund

Oct. 16, 2018

*Eldredge, Cody. “Investing in Sustainability: Ethics Guidelines and the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund.” 2014. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 42.3 (with Anita M. Halvorssen) Read More


Do Finite Duration Provisions Reduce International Bargaining Delay?

Oct. 16, 2018

“Do Finite Duration Provisions Reduce International Bargaining Delay?” (David H. Bearce, *Cody D. Eldredge and *Brandy J. Jolliff) International Organization , Vol. 69 (Winter 2015): 219-39. Read More


Does Institutional Design Matter? A Study of Trade Effectiveness and PTA Flexibility/Rigidity.

Bearce DH, *Eldredge CD, *Jolliff BJ. "Does Institutional Design Matter? A Study of Trade Effectiveness and PTA Flexibility/Rigidity." International Studies Quarterly. 60 (2) (June 01, 2016): 307-316. Read More

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“Does Institutional Design Matter? A Study of Trade Effectiveness and PTA Flexibility/Rigidity"

April 18, 2016

David Bearce, Cody Eldredge and Brandy Jolliff. (forthcoming). “Does Institutional Design Matter? A Study of Trade Effectiveness and PTA Flexibility/Rigidity," International Studies Quarterly. This paper examines the trade effect of flexibility design features within preferential trading arrangements (PTAs).