Physics Travel

Travel Policy Update

Rental Car Reservations
Aug 23, 2024
Effective 9/1/23 allrentalcar reservations - employee and non-employee - must be done in CONCUR directly. More information is available

View More Travel Policy Updates

It is the traveler’s responsibility to understand and follow .The risk to the traveler for violating policy ispersonally bearing the burden of actual trip expenses and/or having a travel card suspended, if applicable.



Researchers, Staff and 鶹Ժ

CU PREP Travel

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Before Travel

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What Counts as Travel?

, usually involving an overnight stay, that cannot reasonably be accomplished in under 12 hours; or travel to a University campus location (not considered the employee’s primary work location) that requires an overnight stay.

How to Request Travel

  • Traveler completes Department Travel Authorization (TA Form) on the Physics Travel Website for all CU business travel, regardless of funding. The TA Form automatically routes via docusign for approvals.
  • If required: Attach a dated, business-only flight quote (screenshot/print) from CONCUR or Christopherson Business Travel (CBT). A business-only flight quote should accurately reflect the actual dates/time of travel and routes that would have been taken if only the business trip were booked. The quote should be both reasonable and demonstrate prudent use of university funds. Any changes to the initial itinerary will require anupdated business-only quote prior to booking.If you have any questions, reach out to your DRA. A business-only quote must be obtained in advance of any booking and is required when:
    • Combining business and personal travel
    • Choosing to drive a personal vehicle vs flying to out of state destinations
    • Booking a flight outside of CONCUR - Internet bookings require an identical itinerary from CONCUR or CBT demonstrating a cost savings >$50 domestic/$200 international
  • International travel requires additional submission via CONCUR
    • Attach the signed TA Form
    • If required (see above), attach a business-only flight quote
  • Contact DRA directly with questions or any changesto travel TA approval.

How to Book Travel

After the TA Form is fully signed, proceed with booking the flight and other reservations (see Policy Highlights):

  • Domestic Travel: Book Flightsvia CONCUR ().
  • International Travel:After the additional CONCUR international travel request is approved, book flights via CONCUR or contact CBT) for assistance (fees apply).

After Travel

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  • At the conclusion of your travel, (details below).
  • Reports must be submitted for approval within 30 days to ensure time for all DRA and Physics Department review and approval steps and for timely allocation to sponsored projects.
Policy Note

All expense reportssubmitted after 90 days will result in related expenses being reported as taxable income on your pay advice and on IRS Form W-2. Once reported, these cannot be reversed. .

Create Expense Report

Follow PSC Directions to Create Report

I. Report Header

  1. Select “Create From an Approved Request” (upper left) for international travel only; this links the approved international request number to the report as required.
  2. Type of Report: Travel Reconciliation
  3. Report Name: Please use the following name convention for your report name: yyyy_mm lastname tripidentifier (conference/description/location).
    Example “2023_01 Nix ISTE” or “2023_04 Jones Berkely Labs”
  4. Travel Type:
    • In State (Destinations within Colorado)
    • International (Destinations outside of the US)
    • Out of State (Destinations outside of Colorado, but within the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia)
  5. Travel Business Purpose:Select Trip Purpose
    Frequently used:
    • Meeting/conference-research duties
    • Field research/work
  6. Routing/Reimbursement SpeedType: Enter the Speedtype indicated on your approved TA form.
  7. Submit Report To:
    Physics Department: Speedtype (Finance Fiscal Role)
    CU PREP: HR Supervisor (HCM Reports To)
  8. Add Comments, as appropriate:
    • Conference/Meeting Dates (match the dates indicated on your TA form)
    • Briefly explain if travel report will not include standard/expected expenses (flight/lodging/meals) or any atypical added expenses
    • If there is 3rd-party reimbursement (ie: travel grant, travel support from host)
    • If any expenses were shared with another traveler (ie: shared lodging)

II. Attach Approved Travel Authorization Form

  1. Manage Receipts (dropdown)
  2. Manage Attachments
  3. Upload your approved Travel Authorization form (TA)

III. Attach Receipts and Travel Itinerary

Please attach any required receipts/other documentation along with sufficient information to identify the expense and to support that it is official University business.

  • Every expense report has an , a document repository to which you can email or upload images and attach to the report.
  • Methods to upload Receipts to the Available Receipts Area:
    1. Upload images directly to your Available Receipts area.
    2. Forward emails of receipts (receipts can either be email attachments or embedded in the email content) to
      Note: Email verification required. Visit the for instructions.
    3. Use your mobile device to take pictures of receipts and email the pictures to
    4. Use CONCUR Mobile to take pictures of receipts, which are then stored in your Available Receipts area automatically.
  • Once all receipts have been uploaded to the Available Receipts Area, they can easily be attached to individual expenses.
  • Receipts may also be uploaded to the report as a single file (follow TA instructions above).
  • A Travel Itinerary must be attached. CONCUR itineraries are emailed upon booking and may also be found in CONCUR: Travel > Trip Library > Print Itinerary.

IV. AddExpenses

General Expense Instructions

Always select “YES” for “If Required, Is Receipt Included?” on every added expense, unless a receipt is not obtainable for an expense greater than $75. For sponsored projects, receipts are required for all expenses. Exception may be granted for small, unobtainable receipts (ie: bus).


  • If booked via CONCUR or Christopherson Business Travel, airfareis charged to a “USB Airfare Card.” These expenses have already been paid by CU but the expense lines must be moved into the related travel report to be allocated to a speedtype. You must also attach the itinerary to the report.
  • The airfare charge will appear in the Available Expenses Section in CONCUR. Flights booked with Christopherson also carry a $20 Agent Fee that should be moved along with the airfare charge.
  • If airfare isbooked via the internet, you arerequired to providea comparison quote from CONCUR dated on or prior to the date of the internet purchase for the exact same itinerary – same travel dates, times, routes, and airline/s as the planned internet purchase. The quote and internet itinerary must be attached to the report, added as Expense Type “Internet airfare.” When compared to the quote from CONCUR or CBT, the cost of the internet airfare purchase must be at least:
    • $50 less for domestic flights
    • $200 less for international flights

Combined Personal and Business Travel
Combining personal and business travel requires attaching both the booked itinerary and a Business-Only flight “quote” obtained from CONCUR prior to booking. quote requirements.

On the report header of your CONCUR Expense Reimbursement report indicates personal travel:

What happens if

Results in higher cost:

  1. Attach the comparable business-only quote to the Airfare (CONCUR/CBT) charge in your report.
  2. Add a comment to the Airfare (CONCUR/CBT) charge to explain the difference: “Personal/business combined travel cost $386.09. Business only would have cost $364.59. (Validated cash receipt attached to report to document reimbursement of $21.50).”
  3. Because the extended personal trip resulted in a higher cost, you need to reimburse the University the difference in airfare as soon as possible after the purchase occurs. (Please discuss with your DRA)
    • The expense may be deducted from your reimbursement directly in the report or
    • Use the to deposit the reimbursement with the campus Bursars Office and attach acopy of the validated cash receipt to attach to the trip expense report

Results in lower cost:

  1. Attach the comparable business only quote to the Airfare (CONCUR/CBT) charge in your report.
  2. Add a comment to the Airfare (CONCUR/CBT) charge to explain the difference: “Personal/business combined travel cost $364.59. Business only would have cost $386.09.”

Lodging expenses must be (nightly room rate, room taxes)

  • Combined Business and Personal Travel: Pay for the business portion of the stay with your Travel Card and the personal portion of the stay with personal funds. Hotels will work with you to split the bill accordingly. If personal lodging is comingled with business lodging, you will need to mark the itemized expense as a ‘Personal Expense’.
  • Shared Lodging is encouraged to share/split lodging expense with other CU travelers. Each traveler pays their own portion of the lodging expense and submits separate expense reports. If vendor cannot separate cost of shared lodging, one employee should pay total bill and identify the other employee in comments on the reconciling expense report, indicating whose lodging is included on that bill.

Mileage for personal vehicle use while in travel status may be reimbursed within . Use the to deduct your normal round-trip commute.
Note: Mileage reimbursement for personal vehicles driven in lieu of flights for primary transportation requires prior approval, flight quote and is limited. Please see policy under “”

Per Diem (Meal Allowance): If your trip was booked in CONCUR or by Christopherson Business Travel, your itinerary will already be available in CONCUR under Travel Allowances.

  • Meals Purchased with your Travel Card should be marked as 'Personal Travel Charge (not reimbursable)'.
Meal Per Diem Note

Meal reimbursement is not allowable if adequate meals are included with lodging, as part of conference/registration fees, or otherwise provided to traveler at no cost.

IV. Set Approval Flow

The Physics department uses the following for all travel reimbursement reports:

  1. + Add Step: Add your group’s DRA (see contact list; also indicated on your TA); If your DRA is not an option,
  2. Speedtype Approval - Ensure the Speedtype Approval is set to one of the following: (if someone else is listed, please contact your DRA)

V. Review and Submit Report

Expense reports are paid via direct deposit to the same account used for regular payroll.

CU Travel Card

  • Anyone traveling on University business regularly is encouraged to apply for and obtain a CU travel card.
  • Two online Skillsoft courses are required:
    • Travel and Travel Card Training
    • Fiscal Code of Ethics
  • Transactions are charged to CU directly.
  • Restricted/unallowable transactions will be the financial responsibility of the traveler and may result in the suspension of the CU Travel Card.

Policy Note: Out-of-pocket/personal funds expended can only be reimbursed AFTER a trip has concluded.

Using Your Travel Card

Travel cards may be used only for cardholder's travel-related expenses while in :

Conference Registration and Abstract FeesFlights (including CONCUR and internet bookings)
Ground Transportation (bus/train/shuttle/Uber/Lyft/taxi/etc.)Alcohol Purchases (including restaurants)
Rental Car and GasNon-Travel Related Expenses
ParkingExpenses for Other Travelers
Baggage Fees
Meals (Not recommended; must exclude alcohol, itemized receipts required)
Food Purchases (ie: Target/grocery stores/etc., itemized receipt required)
Required Covid Testing (test only, not office visits)

Travel Policy Highlights

Highlighted travel guidelines and policies provided.Refer to the site for a complete list of all travel policies and additional information.It is the traveler’s responsibility to understand and follow CU’s travel policies.The risk to the traveler for violating policy ispersonally bearing the burden of actual tripexpenses and/or having a travel card suspended, if applicable. If there are any travel questions, please consult the website or your DRA.

  • All travel reservations, changes, and cancelations are the responsibility of the traveler.
  • Advise DRAs immediately of any travel changesthat may require an updated TA and/or International Travel Request (Changesinclude altering approvedtravel dates and destinations).
  • Travelers must proactively cancel/change flights, reserved ground transportation, hotel reservations, conference registration, etc. and seek refunds whereapplicable.​
    • Call (CBT) to cancel CONCUR flights at least 3 hours prior to departure to receive travel credit.
    • Call CBT if your flight is canceledwhile in travel status to discuss options.
    • Advise DRAs of any airline credit under your name to ensure it is used in future travel.
    • Flights and any expenses/credits on the CU Travel Card require an expense report to reconcile.

Business Travel May Include Personal Travelwith supervisor's approval as long as the purpose of travel is to conduct university business. The business portion includes in-transit days as defined under Domestic and International Flights.

  • Bookings/Changes/Cancelations should be done within policy and are the traveler's responsibility. (Flight Cancelations and Credits)
  • Only the most economical airfare that accommodates a business schedule is allowed.
  • Select economy seating; upgrades are not allowed. Limited exceptions include: 1) An approved, qualifying medical exemption on file with the department prior to travelor 2) a continuous scheduled flight longer than 14 hours. ()
  • Standard baggage isallowable if required for official university business; valid business purpose must be noted in expense report comments.

Policy Note: Combined Personal and Business Travelmust be approved on the TA Form and the traveler must obtain a dated, business-only flight quote (screenshot/print) PRIOR to anybooking from CONCUR or Christopherson Business Travel (CBT). A business-only flight quote should accurately reflect the actual dates/time of travel and routes that would have been taken if only the business trip were booked. The quote should be both reasonable and demonstrate prudent use of university funds. Any changes to the initial itinerary will require anupdated business-only quote prior to booking. If the extended trip results in a higher cost, it is the traveler’s responsibility to reimburse CU or ensure the difference is deducted in the expense report. Discuss anyquestions and the process with your DRA.

Domestic Flights

  • Book flights directly via CONCUR.
  • In-transit days: Arrival one day prior to the start of a conference/business is allowed if needed; return flights are expected at the conclusion of business or no laterthan the following day if a conference/business runs late and a return flight is not viable the same day.​

​International Flights

  • Submit an viaCONCUR.
  • Attach completed/signed TA Form to the CONCUR TravelRequest​.
  • Attach required business-only flight quote, if applicable.
  • Once the Travel Request is approved a 4-digit code will be generated in CONCUR and may be used to book the flight via CONCUR directly or with a(CBT) agent(Additional fees apply; recommended for complex travel).
  • Flights must comply with the.
  • In-transit days: Two travel days prior to the start of a conference/business areallowed;return flights are expected at theconclusion of business or no later than the following day if a conference/business runs late and a return flight is not viable same day.​

Internet Airfare

  • Travelers may be responsible for the full flight expense if they do not comply with travel policies.​
  • Purchase with personal funds only.You may not use the travel card.
  • Domestic: Traveler must obtain anidentical, dated quote (same day/time/airline)from CONCUR/CBT prior to booking that shows a cost savings of$50 or more.The quote is attached to the expense report.​
  • International (Not recommended): The International Travel Request via CONCUR is still required. Traveler must obtain an identical, dated quote(same day/time/airline) from CONCUR/CBT prior to booking that shows a cost savings of $200 or more.The quote is attached to the expense report.It isthe traveler’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the .​

Policy Note: Personal Vehicle vs Flight (optional)requiresdepartment approvalin advance and a comparison flight quote printed from CONCUR Travel.Traveler will bereimbursed for actualmileageup to total flight cost (may also include relevant transportation to/from DIA and destination ground transportation).

  • RTDEcoPassincludes free rides to/from DIA. ()​
  • Rental cars should only be used if other viable transportation is not available or inconvenient due to schedule/distance to business site()
    • The rental should be theleast expensivevehicle available.
    • Abusiness purpose for the rental will be required.
    • All rental cars (employee and non-employee) must be reserved via CONCUR.
    • If renting a car using CU Travel Card, waive all added liability – the card provides addedcoverage.​
    • Gas receipts required.
  • Pay for ground transportation via CU Travel Card or personal funds and seek reimbursement after thetrip.​
  • Shared rides are typically paid by one person, but the expense must still be split and applied toward individuals/STs; provide a list of names for those who sharedthe ride to the DRA.​
  • TA required.
  • Lodging not typically allowed as longas attendance can be accomplished by commuting. If lodging required, discusswith DRA for pre-authorizations.
  • Registration, business mileage (minus normal workday commute) for personal vehicle use, parking and/or rental car (only if necessary for business purposes) are reimbursable.
  • Per diem is not provided unless asingle-day trip exceeds 12 hours (verifiable). If eligible for per-diem, the daily limit is 75% of the allowed rate based on destination. ()
  • To secure special conference/block room rates or discounts,bookvia conference instructions directly or independently. (Do not use CONCUR)
  • Hotel stays may be reserved in CONCUR – however, only standard rates areavailable.
  • Pay with either CU Travel Card or personal funds and seek reimbursement after thetrip. (Talkto DRA if alternative payment needed.)​
  • ​Shared lodging: each traveler should pay their own portion of the expense and submit individualreceipts.​
  • Lodging receipts must be itemized, include the traveler's name, and proof of payment.
  • Any hosted meals (provided by a conference or host) and hotel-provided breakfasts arededucted from eligible perdiem.​
  • The per diem rate is the maximum eligible rate for your destination. In-transittraveldays (first and last calendar day of travel)are reduced to 75%​.
  • Pay for meals with Travel Card or personal funds (preferred)and seek reimbursement after thetrip.​
  • Travel Card purchases of food at locations other than restaurants (Target/Walmart/Grocery Store/Etc.) requireitemized receipts to verify only food was purchased.
  • Itemized receipts required for any single meal charge on the Travel Card.
  • Travel Cards may not be used to purchase alcohol for any purpose, includingrestaurants.
  • Reimbursable for use of personal vehicle to/from DIA or off-site event.
  • Must follow policy regarding .
  • Personal Vehicle vs Flight (optional)requiresdepartment approvalin advance and a comparison flight quote printed from CONCUR Travel.Traveler will bereimbursed for actualmileageup to total flight cost (may also include relevant transportation to/from DIA and destination ground transportation).
  • Reimbursable when in travel status;submit receipts, ifavailable.​
  • Travel Card may not be used for intercampus/local-only parking or ground transportation (includinglyft, uber, etc.).
  • Discounted DIA parking isavailable at .​
  • Receipts are required for all travel-related purchases. Exceptions may be granted for small-dollar purchases if a receipt cannot be obtained (some forms of groundtransportation may not be available –ie: bus).​
  • Valid receipts include vendor, date, cost breakdown (if applicable – showing tip details), proof of payment by the person being reimbursed and either an indication ofpaid or balance zero.​
  • Pay with CU Travel Card, Procurement Card, or personal funds and seek reimbursement after the trip.​

Policy Note: Procurement Cards may be used for registration/abstract fees only; they may not be used for any other travel-related expenses.​

  • Maximum tip allowance is 20% for any applicable CU expense. (lyft/uber/taxi/etc.)​
  • Over-tipping amounts are the traveler’s responsibility and deducted from the traveler’s reimbursement.​
  • Required for ALL employee travel, regardless of how the trip is funded.​
  • Travelers complete the TA Form, attach required documents, if applicable, and the form routes through required signatures.​
  • Reservations and bookings may be made AFTER the TA is fully signed and authorized.​

Travel FAQs

Yes, this is allowed as a cost-saving option when traveling for an extended period of time or when multiple travelers share accommodations, and it is less expensive than a hotel stay. Airbnboptions should NOT be used to share lodgingwithanyone who is not sharing the expense and business purpose for thetripor the traveler may only seek reimbursement for theirportion.Typically, only a single payment option is provided so one person will pay and seek reimbursement. Names of others sharing the lodging must be provided to the DRA so expenses can be allocated accordingly.

Private lodging may be reimbursed up to $25/day for associated costs. (No receipt required.)

Standard baggage isallowable if required for official university business; valid business purpose must be noted in expense report comments. However, extra bags and overweight fees are not allowed unless there is a required business purpose.

Seat assignment fees for coach or economy class seats are reimbursable only when required to ensure a seat on the plane and under $50; anything over $50 requires approval and must be documented within the department.

No, CU’s policy is travel should be accomplished by the most economical means possible. Seat upgrades are only allowed under specific circumstances, including: to accommodate a disability/special need, which must be approved in advance ().

An identicalflight quote is an itinerary showing the same airline/dates/timesto what is booked. An identical flight quote is required for purchasing internet airfare demonstrating a minimum cost savings > $50 domestic or $200 international and compliant with the Fly America Act.

A business-only flight quote should accurately reflect the actual dates/time of travel and routes that would have been taken if only the business trip were booked. If combining business travel with personal or opting to drive vs fly for a business trip, a dated business-only flight quote is required from CONCUR or CBT prior to any booking. The quote will be used as the maximum allowed reimbursement for the booked flight or mileage claimed.

CU’s policy is that travel should be accomplished by the most economical means possible. All bookings should be via economy seating. If you have a valid business reason to book a refundable flight, please consult your DRA and garner approval on the TA prior to booking.’

Expense reports should be submitted as soon as possible after a trip concludes. All expense reports flow through a DRA review and department approval prior to advancing to travel accounting. All expenses older than 90 days are flagged, but since reports are only processed after the conclusion of a trip, the original submission date of the report is what drives additional review and potential tax implications. Reimbursements on reports submitted 90-days or more after the conclusion of a trip are reported as income on the traveler’s tax forms.

Connecting/multiple destinations/events: Generate one Travel Authorization (TA) for the full travel dates and add details/dates in the justification section(s) for each leg of the trip. Overarching Trips with separate sub-trips: If travel is to a primarily location for an extended period of time with separate, sub-trips to other destinations, returning to the primary location, generate one TA for the overarching trip and a separate TA for each sub-trip. If the overarching/sub travel is international, there will be one overarching international travel request in CONCUR (one request may be linked to multiple trips) and one overarching TA with additional TAs for each sub-trip. If travel is complex or you have any questions, please work directly with your DRA.