- Professor
- Director, MAST Center
- Materials, Mechanics of Materials, Micro/Nanoscale

Office Location: ECME 269A
Lab Location: ECME 102
Research Interests
Polymer science, separation membranes
My research interests focus on understanding the structure and dynamics of polymers in bulk and under confinement. We study the fabrication processes and properties of the polymer-based nanostructures, nanocomposites, and polymer-based separation membranes. I am also interested in fabricating smart materials, particularly novel smart surfaces and particles, and understand the mechanical and viscoelastic properties of these smart nanostructures.
Selected Publications and Accomplishments
- “Tunable mechanical anisotropy, crack guiding, and toughness enhancement in two-stage reactive polymer networks”, Cox, L.; Blevins, A.; Drisko, J.; Qi, Y.; Ding, Y.; Fiedler-Higgins, C.; Long, R.; Bowman, C.; Killgore, J. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 1900578.
- “Surface-patterning of polymeric membranes: fabrication and performance”, Heinz, O.; Aghajani, M.; Greenberg, A.; Ding, Y. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2018, 20, 1-12.
- “Relationship between permeation and deformation for porous membranes”, Aghajani, M.; Maruf, S.; Wang, M.; Yoshimura, J.; Pichorim, G.; Greenberg, A.; Ding, Y. Journal of Membrane Science2017, 526, 293-300.
- “Hindered nanoparticle diffusion and void accessibility in a three-dimensional porous medium”, Skaug, M. J.; Wang, L.; Ding, Y.; and Schwartz, D. K. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 2148-2156.
- “Morphing metal-polymer Janus particles”, Cox, L.; Killgore, J.; Li, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Hurley, D.; Xiao, J.; and Ding, Y. Advanced Materials2014, 26, 899-994.