Kaushik Jayaram will be joining the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder in January 2020 as an assistant professor.
Until then, he will continue his work as a post-doctoral scholar in Professor Rob Wood's Microrobotics Lab at Harvard University. Jayaram obtained his doctoral degree in integrative biology in 2015 from the University of California Berkeley where he was mentored by Professor Bob Full. He graduated with a dual degree, an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s degree in manufacturing, from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2009. His interdisciplinary research experiences took place at University of Bielefeld, Germany and Ecole Polytechnique Federale du Lausanne, Switzerland.
Jayaram’s research combines biology and robotics to uncover the principles of robustness that make animals successful at locomotion in natural environments which inspire the design of novel, next-generation robots for effective, real-world operation. His work has been published in a number of prestigious journals and has gained significant popular media attention.
Jayaram is actively involved in outreach activities and currently serves as a member of the Broadening Participation Committee for the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology.
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