Published: Sept. 20, 2016
Gary Anderson

ME Graduate wins 2016 CU Boulder Alumni Recognition Award

Gary Anderson (MechEngr '69) worked hard for his CU Boulder degree, and not just in the classroom: Student by day, he drove a forklift at night to support his young family.

Now a retired business executive, heā€™s never forgotten what balancing school and work was like, and has helped later students find ways to integrate paid work and academics. Notably, as a member of the College of Engineering & Applied Scienceā€™s advisory council (EAC), he was a prime mover behind the ā€œEarn-Learnā€ apprenticeship program.

It's one of many ways he's worked to improve education for students at CU Boulder, and in appreciation for his years of service, he is being honored with the .

Gary has led CU Boulderā€™s engineering fundraising council, served on the University of Colorado Foundationā€™s board and helped found a joint program of CU Denver and CU Anschutz ā€” displaying integrity, enthusiasm, executive ability and a prodigious work ethic that has inspired others to act on CUā€™s behalf.

ā€œI consider Gary to be one of my earliest mentors in ā€˜How to be a good alum,ā€™ā€ said one engaged fellow Buff.

Gary worked at Honeywell for more than a decade and spent nearly 20 years at StorageTek, the digital storage systems firm, rising to director and corporate vice president. In retirement heā€™s pursued investing and philanthropy, with CU as a major beneficiary of his time, treasure and expertise.

Gary has helped improve student retention in engineering, advocated for Engineers Without Borders and contributed his financial and organizational savvy to college, campus and system. He is a recipient of the University Medal and the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award.

ā€œWhen I think of the ideal role model for men and women in engineering, business and the community,ā€ said a former EAC member, ā€œI think of Gary Anderson.ā€