CU Linguistics professor Martha Palmer wins 2013-2014 Outstanding Faculty Graduate Advising Award

Sept. 1, 2014

Martha S. Palmer, Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science, has been selected as the winner of the Outstanding Faculty Graduate Advising award by the Graduate School. The nomination was submitted by a group of Dr. Palmer's past and present advisees, and the award recognizes Dr. Palmer for her excellent leadership...

CU Linguistics Adjunct Professor Co-authors Landmark Work on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

Aug. 1, 2014

Adjunct assistant professor and CU Linguistics alumnus Kevin Cohen's second book, Biomedical Natural Language Processing , is available for pre-order on and should be available for delivery later this month. Co-authored with the Natural Library of Medicine's Dina Demner-Fushman, the book's cover describes it as "a comprehensive tour through...

Laura Michaelis appointed 2014-2015 CHA fellow

July 1, 2014

CU Linguistics associate professor Laura Michaelis has been awarded a 2014-2015 fellowship by CU's Center for Humanities and Arts. Awardees were selected by a panel of external reviewers. Fellowships consist of a two-course teaching reduction. The selection committee considers the intellectual merit of the project, the overall excellence of the...

CU Linguistics doctoral students win NSF Small Business Innovation Research funding for development of language games for handheld devices

June 1, 2014

CU Linguistics doctoral students Steve Duman and Kevin Gould, principals of Inherent Games, LLC, have won a $150,000 Small Business and Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I grant through the National Science Foundation for the development of language-learning games. NSF SBIR programs enable startups and small businesses to undertake R&D with...

Samuel Beer wins National Science Foundation grant for Ugandan fieldwork

May 1, 2014

CU Linguistics PhD student Sam Beer has won a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement grant for a project entitled "A Grammar of Nyang'i with Historical-Comparative Notes". Nyang'i is a nearly-extinct member of the Kuliak language family, remembered by only one or two elderly inhabitants of a remote valley in the...

Zygmunt Frajzyngier publishes landmark studies of African languages and language groups

April 1, 2014

CU Linguistics Professor Zygmunt Frajzyngier has produced two landmark studies in African linguistics. The first work is 2012's A Grammar of Wandala (Mouton de Gruyter). This book represents the first description of Wandala, a Central Chadic language spoken in the Far North Province of Cameroon and in North-Eastern Nigeria by...

CU professor leads Gros Ventre language revitalization efforts

March 1, 2014

CU Professor of Linguistics and French J. Andrew Cowell, working with graduate student assistants in the Linguistics Department and collaborating with language teachers from the Gros Ventre Tribe in Montana, recently produced a Gros Ventre Student Dictionary and a Gros Ventre Student Reference Grammar, to aid in the tribe's language...

CU Linguistics professor Kira Hall named 2013 Outstanding Teacher for Teaching with Technology

Feb. 1, 2014

Dr. Kira Hall of the CU departments of Linguistics and Anthropology has been been named by ASSETT as an Outstanding Teacher for Technology in Teaching. ASSETT asked students across the CU College of Arts and Science to nominate an instructor who uses technology in outstanding ways to support student learning...

CU Linguistics ranked by NRC in top 15 of US linguistics programs

Jan. 1, 2014

In its 2010 survey of American doctoral programs, the National Research Council has placed the Department of Linguistics at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the top quarter of American linguistics programs. Based on an overall measure of excellence that combines factors like publication rates, faculty honors and PhD...
